Thursday, July 23, 2009


The south is going through many changes in that the society is forming from all plantations to towns, roads and neighborhoods popping up. This is a huge change from the plantation owners owning all the land you could see and grew cash crops for their money. This change was not liked by all in the story, but well liked by the new members coming into the area for are coming from other countries who do not want to own a plantation or work on one but start a new town like the northern towns are. The old creole families especially Jacques does not want to change, but he does not have a normal reason because he does not use his land as others would have he and his brother let it decay. This subject brought on the story because if it was not for the uprising of the change of the south to urbanize then no one would have worried about Jacques and Jean and their mysterious ways. If the roads and neighborhoods would not have wanted to come through their land than this story would not have any appeal. But this mystery brought on the idea that Jacques is hiding something and therefore is a witch and does magic, he does throw a lot of curses at people that did not help his case. When it did turn out he was hiding something it was nothing anyone expected it turned out to be his brother was not missing but a leper. So all the changing in Louisiana brought on the discovery of the the reason Jean was missing for seven years.